Drive – R.E.M.

This song immediately transports me to my high school years. My dad bought the CD and we always listened it to death when we used to visit him where he worked. It was such an amazing escape always, and all the music that we listened to there brings back the kind of ethereal vibe that we always experienced when we were there. It is also a real winter song, which makes it very ironic in the feelings it conveys to me. I was never a huge fan even though some of their songs are some of my favourites, but I sort of miss R.E.M. – they were somewhat groundbreaking in their craft and very iconic of the 90s, and Michael Stipe is such an interesting individual – wonder what they’re up to these days. Also, the video brings back memories of all the crowd surfing we used to do back in the day – round about the same time. Good, young times they were indeed.