your song today: Flying Over Africa – John Barry

John Barry was such a legendary composer. He wrote some of the most well-known scores in film history – Born Free, James Bond and, of course, Out of Africa to name but a few of the films that was blessed by the magic of his music.

This is one of my favourite films for many, many reasons. High on the list is John Barry’s music. Perfection. This scene never fails to bring tears to my eyes – and the music literally fools your heart into believing that you are right there… When I listen to this soundtrack and close my eyes I can feel the wind in my hair and smell the aeroplane fuel and the dusty grasslands beneath me – feel the African sun on my skin and the vast expanse of this wonderful continent in my bones. (My sister and I used to do this often, and Sunday’s will always be reserved for this)

I like this clip because during the intro you can hear one of my favourite Mozart compositions in the background. This song (Concerto for Clarinet and Orchestra in A) deserves a post all on its own. It is a song for taking afternoon naps. Even in my favourite movie, Stealing Beauty, this song plays during siesta-time in the Tuscan Villa, complete with curtains billowing in the afternoon breeze, cycada’s singing their praises to the sun in the background and the various characters stretched out in every bit of shade, happily dreaming of love.

I hope you can also feel your heart move in your chest with these images and sounds…