Hold Tight! – Dave, Dee, Dozy, Beaky, Mick & Tich

Can’t get enough of this song lately. When Death Proof first came out, I obviously latched onto The Coaster’s Down In Mexico for obvious reasons – that must be one of the coolest scenes in any movie ever, so the song kind of stuck, but this gem is by far my favourite on the soundtrack. I love old 60s surf rock, so these guys get my vote for epic tunes. It’s funny that Jungle Julia supposedly explains so much about the band in Death Proof, but most of her info is completely wrong, she even got their name wrong – gotta love Tarantino.

Baby, It’s You – The Beatles

Ah, of course this is a great song for a Friday. Originally written by Burt Bacharach, Luther Dixon and Mack David, this song recently found a lot of acclaim again because Adele sang it at the Grammy’s and also because it was used in the famous Peroni La Dolce Vita film.

Trippy Smith version – as used in Tarantino’s Death Proof

your song today: Malagueña Salerosa – Chingon

Man, I LOVE this song! Heard it for the first time in Kill Bill – it plays during the end credits and is just perfect. It makes Beatrix’s victory so much sweeter, and ever since I’ve seen that epic scene (of my favourite films) this song has been my victory song. I play it when I feel great. The words are just beautiful when translated, so it’s also one of the most romantic songs I know.

I’ve always known Robert Rodriguez has been involved with Tarantino’s film soundtracks, but for the life of me I just can’t find any of Chingon’s stuff – would love to have the album(s).

This is an epic, epic song.


If you haven’t seen Kill Bill at all (under what rock do you live?), don’t watch the first video – it’s the end credits, so don’t spoil it.

Or hear it from Rodriguez himself here:

watch today: Pulp Fiction

I am a huge Quentin Tarantino fan. Who isn’t? Today I just had to include this swell scene from Pulp Fiction. I happen to be going to a twist contest myself in a couple of weeks, so I had to check it out again, and it still is one of the coolest scenes ever! You just can’t help but smile. And so, in more weekend spirit, check it out and get ready for some dancin’ tonight! Cool has never been this cool.